
Metalworking: deepholeboring, honing, sawing, straightening

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Our company, Kaiser-Maschinenbau has been in the family business for many generations. The year of 1960, our turning shop was opened. Continious improvement, lead to the expasion and of the business due to the increase of our customer’s. Today we do not only do turning but sawing, deep hole boring, honing and straightening. Since 1995 we primarily concentrate on deep hole boring technology.

The strategig location of our plant , close to nearby international ports in Hamburg and Bremen, the airports in Hamburg and Hannover in particular, and also the nearby motorway we are easy to reach and able to ship return your parts with the least ammount of disturbance.

As your partner for complex manufacturing and engineering work, we would like to present our company to you. Here on our homepage you can find all the information about our capability in deep hole boring, honing, straightening and the ballance of our service .

Take your time and get a closer look on our company and our capability. We hope that we will soon be calling you one of our many satisfied customers. Be it deep hole boring (deep hole drilling), turning, sawing or honing – our modern machine park in conjunction with experienct operators of long experience results in excelent performance

Last , but not least: Our main goal is quality and promt service to our customers which we offer in all of our products as there is deep hole drilling, honing, turning ,straightening and sawing.

Hier finden Sie alles zu den Themenbereichen: deepholeboring, straightning, turning, sewing, cutting-technology
Weiterführende Informationen zu: deepholeboring oder
Eccentric and concentric deep hole boring

Honing with three different honing-machines

Straightening metal-workpieces

Professioneller Service, kompetente Beratung und Ausführung!

Fragen Sie uns auch zu folgenden Punkten: deepholeboring.

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